YTMP3 - Copyright Claims Policy
1. Intellectual Property Respect:
We uphold the intellectual property rights of others.
Users must not infringe on copyrights, trademarks, or proprietary rights.
2. Content Removal and Termination:
We may remove any content believed to violate intellectual property rights.
User accounts may be terminated if they submit infringing content.
3. Repeat Infringer Policy:
Users receiving three valid copyright complaints within a contiguous six-month period may have their website access terminated.
4. Compliance with DMCA:
Although not subject to U.S. law, we voluntarily comply with the Digital Millennium Copyright Act (DMCA).
Designated agent to receive copyright infringement notifications.
5. Copyright Infringement Notifications:
Send notifications to
[email protected] or the designated address.
Include identification of the copyrighted work, location of infringing material, contact information, a statement of good faith belief, accuracy statement, and a physical or electronic signature.
6. Counter-Notification Procedure:
Users may provide a counter-notification if their content is removed.
Counter-notification must include a signature, identification of removed material, a statement under penalty of perjury, contact information, and consent to jurisdiction.
Note: All notifications not relevant or ineffective under the law will receive no response. YTMP3 encourages a fair and lawful use of the platform, respecting the rights of copyright holders.